Bharat Bijlee Motors

High Efficiency IE2 Squirrel Cage TEFC Motors

High Efficiency IE2 Squirrel Cage TEFC Motors

Type MH- 0.37 kW - 315 kW,
Frame 71 - 355L

Type MH- 0.37 kW - 315 kW,
Frame 71 - 355L

Use of these motors can lead to substantial reduction in energy costs. The payback periods are in the order of 3 to 6 months depending upon the usage. Replacing existing motors with High Efficiency IE2 Motors even in power intensive industries gives a payback within 1 to 2 years.

❖ Near uniform efficiency from 50% to 100% of full load
❖ Insulation class F. Temperature rise limited to 70°C over ambient of 50°C
❖ Voltage variation: ±10%
❖ Frequency variation: ±5%
❖ Combined variation: ± 10%
❖ Enclosure: IP55

*** Ratings above 355kW up to 1250kW are available in frame 400 and 450. Please contact our Marketing / Sales Office for more details.

Conformance to Standards :
All motors comply with the following Indian and international standards:

IS 325 Three phase Induction motors-specification
IS : 12615:2011 Energy Efficient Induction Motors - Three Phase Squirrel Cage
IEC 60034-30:2008 Efficiency classes of single speed, three phase, cage induction motors (IE code)
IS/IEC 60034-1:2010 Rotating Electrical Machines: Part 1 Rating and performance
IS/IEC 60079-0:2004 Electrical apparatus for Explosive gas atmosphere – Part 0 General Requirements
IS/IEC : 60079-1:2007 Electrical apparatus for Explosive gas atmosphere - Equipment protection by flame proof enclosures "d"
IEC :60079-15:2010 Electrical Apparatus for explosive gas atmosphere-- Construction, test & marking of type of protection "n" electrical apparatus.
IS 5572:2009 Classification of hazardous areas (other than mines) having flammable gases and vapors for electrical installations.
IS 15142:2002 Guide to the use of electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmosphere in the presence of combustible dust.
IS 5571:2009 Guide for selection and installation of electrical equipment for hazardous areas (other than mines)
IEC 60072-1:1991 Dimension & output ratings of rotating electrical machines
IEC 60072-1:1991 Dimension & output ratings of rotating electrical machines
IS : 900:1992 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of induction motors
IS : 1231:1974 Dimensions of foot mounted A.C induction motors
IS : 2223:1983 Dimensions of flange mounted A.C induction motors